Everything in the universe denies nothing; to suggest conclusions to things is one impossibility.
– Stephen King
“Denial” doesn’t exist in the universe’s dictionary. Acceptance is written in capital letters on the first page.
The universe accepts all our thoughts and beliefs as reality. We know they’ve registered when we feel the ripple effect in our emotions and our physical bodies.
Thoughts that support tranquillity lead to calm emotions and fluidity in bodily movement, while stressful thoughts cause unpleasant feelings and tense physical sensations.
When you find yourself capable of existing in a chaotic environment with a tranquil mind, you’ll know that all that time and energy spent engaging in mindfulness has paid off.
After all, mindful awareness is a conscious state of tranquillity. It’s purposeful neutral observation. It’s the frequency of opportunity.
Within this frequency lies the realization of the true nature of reality.
That reality is, in fact, not the illusion you enter when you walk out your door. Your physical reality or external environment is merely an effect of the collective imagination.
All human-made creations first existed in the mind of humans.
All of nature first existed in the mind of God.
And because mind is made up of the same energy as matter, the universe doesn’t differentiate between the two.
You’re fully capable of using your mind’s eye to “trick” the universe into accepting certain thought-emotions as reality over your external environment.
The universe only knows acceptance. Once you accept your reality, the universe will follow suit. What you see on the outside doesn’t matter. It’s what you feel on the inside that counts.
Here are eight mindful states you can engage to create your own reality and master manifestation while following spiritual law.
Becoming the gatekeeper
This is less about creating the reality of your choice and more about dismantling the current reality that limits you.
Your beliefs and ideas are your reality that isn’t yet manifested. When you hang onto opinions about yourself or others that drain your energy, you unconsciously create laziness, suffering and frustration.
You’re like a baby bird leaving the nest. The place that used to provide a sense of security will eventually limit your growth and infringe upon your freedom.
It’s time to detach yourself from energy-drainers, take a risk and fly towards the unknown.
Now, you’ll reject the box society has put you in. You’ll ignore the parameters set up by your environment. You’ll refuse to place your attention on the opinions of others.
You’ll let go of everything you thought made up your world and invent your own.
With conviction and awareness, you’ll allow all the light within you to blossom into a disco ball of brightly coloured experiences in your new reality.
Limiting distractions
Manifestation requires mindfulness and mindfulness requires concentration. Wherever your concentration goes, your energy flows.
There are people, things and events in your life that are trying to capture your attention and suck away your energy like parasites. You must remove yourself from them to focus on yourself.
By embracing solitude and disconnecting from external stimuli, you’ll be giving yourself some breathing room. Within this room lies self-reflection and self-connection.
Self-reflection isn’t the same thing as self-analysis. To reflect is to ponder. Curiosity doesn’t judge, form expectations or attach to conclusions. It accepts with a sense of amusement.
Self-connection is your relationship with your inner God. This relationship manifests as intuitive feelings and a natural sense of self-empowerment. If God is within, you must be fairly capable.
Discernment when it comes to distractions is a useful skill to have. Once you’re conscious of your distractions, you can bid them farewell with a tip of the cap and a smile. Then you can get back to the important stuff!
Adopting a mindset of abundance
Think it, feel it, experience it.
It doesn’t matter what “it” is and it doesn’t matter how outlandish it might seem, according to your current predicament.
But don’t waste your time begging God or hoping to receive. God doesn’t communicate through speech and hope doesn’t exist. God communicates through vibrational frequency.
Vibrational frequency is nothing more than mindful awareness. The higher your vibration is, the more mindful you are of the states, practices and knowledge that can bring you closer to God.
A mindset of abundance and gratitude will emit the frequency you’ve already received. To exist in this state is necessary to manifest anything. It seems counterintuitive, but the truth is, you must embody what you want to experience.
Let’s imagine you’d like to live in a reality in which the love of your life exists as the perfect companion. Think of your ideal partner, picture the way their hand feels in yours, and imagine how your heart warms with joy when you see them.
Next, fill yourself with this feeling as you are. Know that you’re worthy and blessed to be you. The love you feel towards yourself is the only spark you need.
Letting go of expectations
Life is less about learning how to live and more about realizing that you are life.
Your existence is enough. To worry about your future isn’t a natural action. It’s a result of thoughts of insufficiency and the belief that the ideal version of you exists in another time that doesn’t exist.
To enjoy and observe each moment is to toss aside feelings of attachment towards future events. It’s also the key that’s needed to start up your hot air balloon so it can rise above duality.
Duality is a fact of life. We all have moments of joy and moments of pain. There’s no stopping suffering. And if we could, would we really want to?
But by enjoying and observing each moment with no expectations, we become able to detach from duality and transform its thunderous push and pull into a light sway.
Engaging in silent relaxation
You can’t experience peace in your external environment if you don’t feel at peace within.
But peace within is often hard to come by, and once it’s found, it’s tough to retain. It feels like a slick bar of soap in your hand, slipping and sliding all over the place.
Retention of inner calm is a practice just like painting, running or playing the piano. It takes lasting momentum and dedication to see results.
Most people spend every waking moment scheming and working towards their next meal, car or relationship, while never once taking the time to connect with the animating force of life.
They say meditation is a waste of time and that relaxation is for the weak. But it’s precisely within a relaxed, meditative state where we connect with our ultimate power.
The universe isn’t physical, it’s mental. To sharpen one’s pencil is preparation for writing and to calm the mind is preparation for manifestation.
Releasing tension
Maintaining a mindful connection with universal energy logically requires a sustained but relaxed mental focus. In turn, this relaxed mental focus will allow you to more easily manage thought-feelings and highlight the ones you’d like to experience.
The problem is that for many of us, maintaining a relaxed mental focus is more difficult than catching a fly with chopsticks.
Our strategic use of the physical body is the limousine that drops us off into a relaxed mental state. It’s the warm-up before the main routine, the intro leading up to the meat of the story.
Without physical preparation to release tension, reality creation—while still possible—becomes a performance without a recital.
Mindful movement and correct posture of the body will get your energy flowing and your concentration zeroed in. Mindful release of any tension in the eyes, face, shoulders and other body parts will relax your entire body.
Finally, mindful breath is your best friend as it constantly reminds you of life’s joyful energy. Deep inhales from the belly up to the clavicles will bring energy and oxygen to the brain so the fog clears and the sun shines bright.
Giving what you want to receive
Whenever you do, say or think something, picture a giant mirror in front of you that reflects those things back inside you.
It’s easy to become enamoured with the illusion that our actions and words are directed towards others. We help an elderly lady carry her groceries; the action was for her. We say “I love you” to our partner; the words are for them.
The reality is, though, that other people are a reflection of you. Those actions and words are a reflection of how you feel about yourself, and the way you feel about yourself manifests out into your environment.
You don’t see the essence of others; you only see your perspective of them. Therefore, you can create a perspective of your choice. You can choose to see someone acting violently as a loving person, because as a loving person yourself, how could you not?
Creating success from failure
Failure is the monster under your bed. It only exists in your imagination.
Failure is as subjective as the weather. Jim thinks it’s hot, but Bob thinks it’s cold. Which is it?
Failure is just another name for success. There is no difference. You only see a difference because you choose to believe that there is one. As soon as you let this belief float away like a leaf in the wind, your world will change.
When you see and feel nothing but pure success, you become successful. Don’t accept what your eyes see or what other people tell you. You must know what you are at all times: success.
As a spiritual being manifested from God, this is the true essence of what you are.
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