What’s the first word that comes to your mind when you think about snakes? “Fear”? “Danger”? Since ancient times, seeing a snake is believed to be a bad omen. Snakes have been associated with death, disaster, evil and witchcraft, but—truth be told—snakes have a lot of wisdom to offer us if we’re open to it.
In Chinese astrology, 2025 (the year of the Yin Wood Snake) is associated with change, growth, intuition, inner wisdom and transformation. Regardless of where you are on your path towards spiritual fulfillment, here is a selection of crystals that can help you make the most of these powerful energies throughout the year.
Serpentine: Shed the old to create the new
In 2025, just like snakes shed their old skin, we’ll be guided to shed anything that’s holding us back and step into a brand-new version of ourselves. Serpentine stone can help us flow along with the energies of the Yin Wood Snake and guide us to transform ourselves from the inside out. The grounding energies of this crystal will help us heal and balance our emotions while we go through intense personal transformation.
If we want our lives to change for the better, we need to be flexible in the face of change. The key is not to resist the changes that are taking place within and around you, but to flow along with them, knowing that you’ll end up exactly where you’re supposed to be. Serpentine guides us to willingly let go of the things that are no longer serving us so we can make space for a new beginning. Letting go is never easy, but it’s one of the most liberating lessons we can learn in life.
Labradorite: Infuse your life with magic
As I’m holding a piece of Labradorite in my hands, something stirs deep within me—a long-forgotten memory, a spark of magic that we all have as children—that has more or less disappeared due to the trials and tribulations of adult life. Labradorite crystal helps to bring that lost magic back into our lives.
Associated with the Northern Lights because of its mesmerizing display of colours that blend together and glow when exposed to light, Labradorite can help us unlock our intuition and psychic abilities, both of which will be highlighted in 2025.
The energies of the Yin Wood Snake are all about tapping into our inner wisdom in order to embrace growth and transformation. The snake teaches us to trust our instincts, stay aware of our surroundings and move quietly, waiting for the right moment to act.
Fire Agate: Ignite your inner fire
According to Chinese astrology, the snake is a Yin animal, which means that it embodies the feminine qualities of intuition, mystery, healing and adaptability to change. With its laser-like instincts, the snake encourages us to uncover hidden truths by leaving no stone unturned in order to extract deeper wisdom and spiritual insights.
The yin energies of 2025 make it a fantastic year for creative expression, whether that involves painting, dancing, singing or anything else that makes our hearts happy. Fire Agate crystal can help us tap into the wellspring of creative energy deep within us so we can give birth to beautiful works of art. The fiery energy of this crystal will reignite our passion for life and guide us to pursue our wildest dreams and our heart’s desires.
Fire Agate reminds us that the sense of fear and danger that snakes evoke in us might just be the fear of change and the unknown. Combined with the energies of the Yin Wood Snake, Fire Agate can guide us towards deep transformation and rapid inner growth while protecting our energy and helping us stay grounded in the midst of change.
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image: monicore