One of the earlier prophetic dreams I had was in 2008, and it changed the trajectory of my life. I was told and shown within a dream that I’d have a son, even though I was single, gay and on a tight budget. For gay men, having children is a very complicated and often expensive process. Yet in the dream, I was introduced to my son and told that I would have him with my lesbian best friend Tricia and her wife Rachel.
I’ll never forget the final segment of the dream when Rachel quite literally reached in and pulled our son from Tricia’s “belly” and handed him to me. Tears were rolling down my face as a very powerful voice (much like Morgan Freeman’s) told me that this was my son and his name was Syrus.
Before that dream, I had zero intention of becoming a dad until I was older and settled. The idea of having a child with a lesbian couple and being a father wasn’t very appealing, but once I held the child in my arms, all my plans went out the window. I knew that dream was too real to be random or meaningless. I also knew that if it was truly meant to be, and already in the energetic process of becoming, we wouldn’t need any medical assistance in creating the child.
So the following Valentine’s Day, my son was conceived at home through the process many have termed “the turkey baster method.” Except in our case it was the “shot glass and a syringe method.” Forty-one weeks later, Tricia gave birth to our son Sky—none of us loved the name Syrus at that time.
But that wasn’t all. Another wonderful personal miracle occurred as a result of that dream. Tricia and Rachel already had a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter named Faith, who was also my goddaughter. Once we decided to go forward with having a child (which I already knew was going to be a boy), one of my conditions was to ask Faith if she wanted me to be her dad. Tricia, Rachel, and I didn’t think it was fair for Sky to be the only one with a father.
Lucky for me, Faith was on board from the get-go. Thus, I gained not only a son but a daughter, plus a modern family. For the next four years, I was a part-time father of two, and Tricia, Rachel and I were a very happy “five family.”
All prophetic dreams aren’t positive
Unfortunately, not all prophetic dreams are positive, and on January 30, 2014, I had another dream that predicted the end of the “five family” as we knew it. In the dream, two people I was very close to (one of my best friends and my father) died. I saw them both in two open caskets made from very thin plywood with a bouquet of roses in between. I distinctly remember the scent of roses and wondered why the caskets were so poorly made. I’d never seen a poorly constructed casket made of plain wood.
I distinctly remember (and have texts to prove) speaking to Tricia about my dream and telling her that two people close to me were about to die. She was dismissive as always. I pushed the dream out of conscious awareness and interpreted it in some other non-tragic way. It’s not fun to know that something bad is going to happen, and to be honest, at the time I wasn’t as trained in relying on my dreams as I am today, especially death dreams (I’d only had two before).
Then, on the eve of April 17, 2014, I had a second death dream about the departure of two people close to me, one that included a car accident and a farewell. Five hours after I woke up, both Sky and Tricia died in a car accident that left Faith nearly dead with a broken neck in the backseat.
A source of communication
I know having death dreams sounds terrible. When I tell people this story, they sometimes say, “Please don’t dream about me,” or “I’d never want to have the gift of premonition!” They wonder why anyone in their right mind would want to develop their intuition if it might foretell such terrible events. Yet my intuition’s warnings were the only thing that saved my sanity for the months that followed.
As much as I wished the accident hadn’t happened, I knew I was given a peek of what was to come months before the event. To me, that meant this wasn’t a random event; things were unfolding as intended. In fact, my dreams ended up transforming into a new gift that was beyond comforting, a gift that I wouldn’t give up for the world.
My dreams became a source of constant communication with both Sky and Tricia as they guided me from (and through) what were the darkest moments of my life to the next chapter. I felt as if they were holding my hands and guiding me step by step.
The night of the accident, I couldn’t sleep, so I asked my family to find nighttime medicine to send me to dreamland. I needed to be asleep to gain information regarding Sky and Tricia, as well as possible insight on Faith’s future. She was then in an induced coma with a very low chance of survival. As you can imagine, the only question on our minds was whether she was going to survive.
I’ll never forget falling asleep and, for the very first time, hearing a new version of Sky’s beautiful laughter as he reassured me that Faith was not only going to survive but was going to make a full recovery. I remember waking up with a great sense of clarity and running to inform the rest of the family of the news I’d just received from the great beyond.
Another child?
Sky continued to visit on a regular basis. Sometimes he’d just visit and give me hugs, and other times he’d be full of information.
One of the most common themes started just a few nights after his death. I remember the very first dream of its kind. I was drying him with a large towel following a bath when Sky informed me that I was going to have another child. I had no interest in what he had to say and dismissed it altogether. The last thing I wanted to hear was that I would have another child who could possibly cause me the same excruciating pain that Sky’s death had caused.
The last thing I wanted to hear was that I would have another child who could possibly cause me the same excruciating pain that Sky’s death had caused.
Yet he showed me a son on multiple occasions and cleverly convinced me to try yet again to have another child. I remember saying that it’s not that easy anymore since Tricia was no longer alive, but he was adamant. I was a full-time student barely making ends meet and couldn’t afford to pay for a surrogate or eggs. But according to my dreams, it was a done deal.
I recall a vivid dream in which I was inside a pool holding a toddler with very curly hair, and Sky (or someone who looked just like Sky) was standing outside of the pool. You can imagine how worried I was about having more children because I didn’t want to be in the situation of losing another child ever again. In another dream, as a form of reassurance, I was introduced to the adult version of two grown boys, displaying two extremely different physical and personal characteristics.
Fast-forward to December 28, 2016, the day that my twins, Syrus and Dario, were born. Today, nearly eight years later, I sit in awe of the path that I’ve been on and find myself forever grateful to have been guided to the life I’m living today. Yes, dreams of doom are extremely daunting, but my dreams have led me on a journey to my dream life—a life that I could have never imagined in 2008, when I had my first dream of having a child.
Too many intuitive experiences to count
Ultimately, I’ve had too many stories, dreams, gut feelings and visitations to count. They would fill an entire book. I’m aware that some people are not dreamers; they have different “superpowers.” Some have more subtle communications, some are like mine and some make mine look like child’s play.
Happy Ali is the author of The Intuition Bible: How and Why to Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom. With a BA degree in psychology from UCLA, he’s a prophetic dreamer, certified master NLP practitioner, certified master clinical hypnotherapist and host of the Happy Insights podcast. He lives in Los Angeles and you’ll find him online at
Excerpted from the book The Intuition Bible: How and Why to Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom. Copyright © 2024 by Happy Ali. Reprinted with permission from New World Library.
images: Depositphotos